2021 the Filmclub Münster starts anew - with the annual theme AUSBRÜCHE /AUFBRÜCHE: a diverse offer with new films as well as classics, in which uncertainty and anticipation duel with each other, in which the protagonists set out with open wounds but new drive.
At the monthly FILMPLÄDOYER, artists from various disciplines as well as other exciting actors from civil society present a film that is important to them, advocate for it and discuss it together with the audience.
In the series Freifläche: Dok-Film-Debüt, the filmclub münster will
regularly presents documentary debuts of young documentary filmmakers.
on the big screen and in conversation.
The club also shows films at unusual locations outside of the series, flanking the thematic programs of the cooperation partners.
Der filmclub münster ist ein gemeinsames Programm der Filmwerkstatt Münster, der Münsterschen Filmtheater- Betriebe, des Westfälischen Kunstvereins und von Burg Hülshoff – Center for Literature.
Gefördert durch das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW.