Yannic Han Biao Federer, born in 1986, grew up in South Baden, studied German and Romance languages and literature in Bonn, Florence and Oxford. He is doing his doctorate at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn and works at the Literaturhaus Köln. His first stories have appeared in literary journals and anthologies, and in 2016 he received the Wuppertal Literature Biennale's Förderpreis, in 2017 the Rolf-Dieter-Brinkmann-Stipendium, and in 2018 the Harder Literaturpreis and the Wuppertal Literature Biennale's main prize. And everything as if made of papier-mâché is his first novel. He was awarded the 3sat Prize at the Ingeborg Bachmann Competition in Klagenfurt.