Dr. Marcus Stumpf, born in Kaiserslautern in 1967; studied history, German language and literature, and historical auxiliary sciences in Mainz, Aachen, and Bonn; doctorate in medieval history in Munich; archival clerkship; 2001-2008 at the Landesarchiv NRW in various functions; since 2008 head of the LWL-Archivamt für Westfalen, which is at the same time the archival advisory office for the non-governmental archives in Westphalia-Lippe, the archive of the LWL, and since 2001 home of the Westphalian Literary Archives; archival director of the Vereinigte Westfälische Adelsarchive e.V.
Main fields of work: Archive consulting; supervision of nobility archives; since 2019, chairman of the Federal Conference of Municipal Archives in the German Association of Cities and Towns; supraregional committee work, especially in the areas of preservation, digitization, and electronic archiving. Lectureship at the FH Potsdam in the field of archive history, typology and management.