
Kathrin Passig

© Norman Posselt

Kathrin Passig, born in 1970, is a thought leader of the digital age. Together with several hundred authors, she reports in the blog Techniktagebuch under the motto "Yes, it's boring now. But in twenty years!" about everyday technology and its changes. In January 2020, her column collection Strom und Vorurteil was published, in February the e-book version of the Techniktagebuch Außen WLAN-Symbole, innen Enttäuschung and in May the Handbuch für Zeitreisende (Rowohlt). Most recently, Kathrin Passig published Je Türenknall, desto wiederkomm (2021), 52 columns from the Frankfurter Rundschau published in 2020.
She has received numerous awards, including the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize in 2006, the Johann Heinrich Merck Prize for Literary Criticism and Essay in 2016, and the Heinrich Mann Prize in 2021. Kathrin Passig lives in Berlin.

Events with Kathrin Passig