Janine Sack works as a publisher, art director and lecturer in Berlin.
In her work, she is interested in the different media possibilities of presenting and contextualizing the respective topics.
She conceives and designs all forms of publications: E-books, books, websites as well as magazines and newspapers (most recently redesign and design development of taz, 2017 - 2022; 2008 - 2012 the weekly newspaper der Freitag).
In 2018 she founded the e-book publishing company EECLECTIC - Digital Publishing for Visual Culture and in 2017 the artist*inside book publishing company A Book Edition. As part of the publishing network Drucken Heften Laden she is co-editor of the quarterly newsletter Paper News since 2015.
Janine Sack teaches visual communication with a focus on digital publishing at HMKW and AMD in Berlin, Brand University, Zhuhai, Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin, among others.
Until 2009 she worked as a visual artist with a special focus on the relationship of the subject to its media representation. She was part of the artist groups frauen-und-technik and -Innen. Since 2018 she is part of the feminist network #PurpleNoise.