Daniel Tyradellis, Prof. Dr., is a philosopher and curator. He sees his exhibitions as experiments of thinking in space, including 10+5=God (Jewish Museum Berlin 2004); SCHMERZ (Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart/Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum 2007); WUNDER (Deichtorhallen Hamburg 2011/12); Fire and Forget (KW - Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin 2015); SCHAM (Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden 2016/17); FAKE (Stapferhaus Lenzburg 2018-2020). Numerous publications on contemporary philosophy and museum space as a site of social dialogue, including Müde Museen. Wie Ausstellungen unser Denken verändern könnten, Hamburg 2014. He is currently establishing the master's program "Theory and Practice of Curating" at HU Berlin.