Andreas Neumeister, born 1959, is a writer and visual artist.
He most recently published the fiction books Könnte Köln sein, Angela Davis deletes her website, Gut laut, and Ausdeutschen (all Suhrkamp Verlag). He is also
author of several radio plays. Thus Die Sirenen heulten lichterloh,
Prima leben und sparen (together with Ronald and Robert Lippok), Angela Davis löscht ihre Website (together with Diska) and most recently MYA - Über die Zukunft des Kapitalismus ist alles bekannt (together with Lali Puna) whose associative and heavily modified live version will be performed in Münster together with Cico Beck and Markus Acher.
Parallel to and in constant content overlap with his literary works, Neumeister is also active as a visual artist, catalogs: In dubio pro disco (Villa Massimo Publishing House) and Infanten (Spector Books). He lives and works in Munich.