
Text in the head. Live audio play of Ingeborg Bachmann's »Malina«

© Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling
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»Ich werde Ihnen ein furchtbares Geheimnis verraten: die Sprache ist die Strafe. In sie müssen alle Dinge eingehen und in ihr müssen sie wieder vergehen nach ihrer Schuld und dem Ausmaß ihrer Schuld.«

— »Malina«, Ingeborg Bachmann

Malina was published in 1971 and is the first and only novel by the Austrian poet Ingeborg Bachman. The book is often read as a story about love. But it is rather an important testimony to post-war literature: the female nameless first-person narrator delicately takes apart the myth of coming to terms with the past. In doing so, she finds a language that makes the experience of violence describable.
At the event, you sit at a table with Miriam Michel, Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling and Bianca Künzel. You have text modules in front of you. Together we will create a headphone reading from parts of the novel Malina by Ingeborg Bachmann. So if you want, you can become part of the performance yourself or simply help to determine the course of events. At the end of the workshop we will have produced a live radio play.

Miriam Michel
Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling
Bianca Künzel


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