Schatten des Schattens: Sprache in (post)kolonialen Zeiten

Sprachliche Gerechtigkeit? Das N-Wort, das Z-Wort und die Wörterbücher

Currently, many people are making efforts to come to a more critical approach to racially and colonially charged words. In the process, dictionaries are receiving special attention. Among other things, they are expected to treat problematic cases as such and offer alternatives, thus contributing to an anti-discriminatory use of language. The linguist Laura Neuhaus from the Duden editorial office will come to talk about the topic on October 18. In a conversation moderated by Prasanna Oommen, she will talk about which views and arguments currently determine social discourse and what challenges this poses for dictionary writing. The event will be introduced by a reading from historical dictionaries from the library of Burg Hülshoff.

In the event series Shadows of the Shadow, we ask ourselves how strongly colonial history shapes our languages and how far colonial patterns reach into our everyday speech and also into literature. But Shadows of the Shadow also sees language as part of the larger process of decolonisation. The two-year project traces historical traces in language in conversations and artistic contributions - between science and art, between Westphalia and the world.

Laura Neuhaus

moderated by
Prasanna Oommen


At the evening box office only cash payment is possible.

Eine Kooperation von Burg Hülshoff – Center for Literature (CfL), der LWL-Kommission für Mundart- und Namenforschung Westfalens und dem Germanistischen Institut der Universität Münster, gefördert durch die LWL-Kulturstiftung und die Stiftung der Sparkasse Münsterland Ost.