
Gewalt im Haus


In Germany, a woman is killed by her (ex-)partner every three days. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Violence is an issue that affects us all. While it is often subject to social and state control in the public sphere, it eludes this control in private and intimate spheres. In her text Gewalt im Haus. Intimate Forms of Dominance, Barbara Peveling talks openly about her own experiences as a victim of domestic violence and, with her penetrating analyses, makes an important contribution to a debate that has unfortunately not lost any of its topicality.

Barbara Peveling will be reading as part of Orange Week Münster at Münster City Library.

Moderated by Jenni Bohn

A cooperation between Burg Hülshoff - Centre for Literature, the City of Münster's Office for Gender Equality and the City Library as part of Orange Week 2024.