
Die große Hör-Spiel-Show: Unerhörte Orte


Welcome to the audio play show. We listen to pieces from the HörSpielLab Münster and snippets from the podcast 100 aus 100. This podcast by the radio play editorial teams of ARD and Deutschlandfunk celebrates the sensational 100th birthday of the radio play.
The creators of both projects talk live from the workshop. For the HörSpielLab 2024: sound artist Mirijam Streibl and radio producer Paul Sattler. The podcast 100 out of 100 is presented by: Katarina Agathos and Jakob Roth from Bayerischer Rundfunk and podcast host Jörg Albrecht.
Then vote: Which radio plays would you like to hear in full length? The Rüschhaus and its garden will become a radio play lounge. With headphones, everyone looks for a cosy spot or walks around.

The title ‘Unerhörte Orte’ comes from the HörSpielLab Münster. This is where 15 mini radio plays were created in the summer. The participants in the lab set off on a journey. Over the course of three days, they created pieces to listen to. The plays take a look behind the scenes of the city. They listen to the stories that buildings, statues, fountains and gravestones tell us.

‘Unerhörte Orte’ can also be experienced acoustically in the podcast 100 out of 100. One unheard-of place, for example, is the interior of the United States Capitol shortly before right-wing extremists stormed it in January 2021. Or Moscow during the Cold War in 1988, or Alexanderplatz in Berlin in 1930. The podcast 100 out of 100 presents 100 radio plays from the 1920s to the present day. It is hosted by poet Nora Gomringer and author Jörg Albrecht.

Come along and immerse yourself in unerhörten Orten!


Radio play lounge is open from 2 to 6 pm!

More information:

Das HörSpielLab 2024 wird gefördert durch Kulturamt Münster, LWL und Soziokultur NRW. In Kooperation mit Filmwerkstatt Münster e.V., Cuba cultur, medienforum münster e.V. und CfL.

100 aus 100 wird unterstützt von DRA, dem Deutschen Rundfunkarchiv.

Die Hör-Spiel-Show zum Tag des offenen Denkmals wird gefördert im Projekt Droste-Welten, kofinanziert von der EU. In Kooperation mit dem Bayerischen Rundfunk.