Das Biedermeier-Phantasma | Deep Fake

Available as soon as the Droste Museum reopens

English version available

Admission: 5 €

We take care of the disinfection of the tablets and our museum team is happy to assist with the operation of the digital devices if required.

A digital exhibition, parallel to the usual permanent exhibition in the Droste Museum. Using tablet computers, the world of the poet Annette von Droste-Hülshoff will be superimposed on our world. It transforms the museum into something that it is not in the physical world: a critical confrontation with its own history, its origin and its own effects upon the here-and-now.

For more information about the exhibition, visit the project page.

To the project page

Das Biedermeier-Phantasma | Deep Fake s an in-house production of Burg Hülshoff - Center for Literature, funded by the LWL Cultural Foundation.

The special exhibition follows the event series Das Biedermeier-Phantasma (2019), curated by Jörg Albrecht and Manuel Gogos, whose conception was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of NRW.
The operation of the Droste Museum is also made possible by the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe.